Happy dance, sweaty palms, nervousness and excitement all rolled into one if that’s humanly possible!

You provide 1:1 services and you’ve got a Discovery Call booked in, it’s your opportunity to speak to someone you may be able to help.

But the last couple of calls haven’t gone as planned and you really don’t know what you are doing wrong as they were all people you know you could help.

6 years ago when I started my new Coaching business I absolutely messed the first few calls up. I talked too much in my eagerness to help and didn’t ask the right questions, even though I’d had great success in previous roles.

If this all sounds familiar check out my online micro course ‘Perfecting your Discovery Call’ it’s 60 minutes packed with lightbulb moments that you wish you’d known earlier.

It’s a one off payment of $60 with unlimited access

To check it out head to https://bit.ly/perfectingyourdiscoverycall