I know I’m an action person – it can be a blessing and a curse haha sometimes for those around me.

It’s a family thing! At my best (note at my best) there’s a plan, actions, timelines and sometimes a bit of impulsiveness thrown in, and of course a tick list of some kind.

But what about when I’m not at my best? – procrastination can creep in, maybe some self doubt, a bit of ‘why am I bothering’, perhaps even a mindset wobble.

I’m ok with all of the above because I’m now equipped to get through and beyond that. Having our ways, our techniques and doing the things that will move us forward our key and there isn’t a one size fits all solution here.

For me surrounding myself with the right people has been and still is fundamental for me, they give me energy and purpose and as a giver it lights me up. And also making space for the things that bring me joy.

Yesterday afternoon I walked away from my laptop and spent quality catch up time with my daughter and grandson, walked along the prom (dodged the rain) and had lunch, then went on to play badminton in the evening – and yes everything was still in one piece when I got back haha.

Running a business isn’t a race it’s a marathon, and even the best athletes have a some blips and not great days and we need to be kind to ourselves and do what we need to do for ourselves.

Judith Hamilton and I – (who is also an action person) and I wanted to provide a space in our Grow Her Business Community to provide support, encouragement and help with next steps to turn those wishes into ‘let’s make it happen’. This will be a safe space to blurt out your frustrations and also share your wins big or small.

The difference in doing and not doing is often as simple as understanding what is stopping us – in my opinion procrastination isn’t the problem it’s the outcome of another problem , I’ll be sharing more about this today and how to get beyond it in our first Make It Happen Hub session for our Grow Her Business members, which is all part of their £37 monthly subscription.

There can be many reasons we are not getting something done, it can be skills based, overwhelm or lack of belief, or many other things and our goal is to help our members put some next steps in place to move forward.

If you’re a woman in business who provides a service and are curious about what we do check us out.