You can google it but I made up the acronym (not the concept) of having a FRAP

It means having

▶ Free products – for example your lead magnets, podcasts, newsletters etc.

▶ Recurring – for example memberships or a subscription

▶ Accessible – a product/service that is at an accessible price that your ideal client doesn’t have to over think.

▶ Premium – your higher priced products for example could be your VIP package, or 121 coaching.

So why would you have them?

There are a number of reasons why it can be really beneficial.

1. It can have a stepping stone effect. People get a taste of who you are with your free stuff and then can move onto other products that work for them.

2. Some people will never work 1:1 with you – and you are limited of course how many you could work with anyway.

3. It can accommodate more of your clients needs and budgets.

How about you – do you like to FRAP?

I’m digging into this very topic in our Grow Her Business Community on the 14th May which is a real joy to be able to help our Members think about the opportunities they are missing within their business.

Talking about freebies if you’d like to check out where your gaps are in sales process our quiz is in the comments.

If you’d like to find out more about our Grow Her Business Community head to