Do you FRAP?

Before you Google it I made it up

What is stands for in my world is…

Free stuff – could be your downloads, lead magnet, podcast, webinar etc

Recurring income stuff – monthly subscriptions etc

Accessible stuff – Service that is more accessible to all at a lower price – could be an online programme that people go through themselves.

Premium stuff – higher price product/service that you may have limited places.

It’s absolutely not a given that every business has them (I’m not a big believer in having stuff for the sake of ticking a box) but it is something I help people with to pursue their options and the opportunities they may be missing.

One of the advantages is it can create a stepping stone effect and is also gives people options on how to work with you at different price points.

Does the FRAP model work for you?

And of course if you need help finding your FRAP model get in touch and I can help with that very thing.