Sadly I spoke to two more business owners recently who missed great opportunities to work with their ideal clients.

I created the phrase ‘There is so much more to a sale than the final transaction’ a few years ago now and it’s just as true now as it was then.

Everything in business should have a process that we’ve created that works for us and our Ideal Client.

One of those things we have to get right is our Discovery Call with our ideal client.

It really is heartbreaking when I hear business owners say I had a call booked in and I completely messed it up for various reasons.

There are with this call 2 sides to the story.

The Sellers view – which is us


The Buyers view – our Ideal Client

The call is very important to both parties for very different reasons which is why understanding our buyer, their challenges and the outcomes is hugely important.

Did you know these are some of the frustrations of a ‘buyer’

* Not listened too, just talked at.

* Solutions being offered without the ‘seller’ really understanding the problem

*Feeling rushed and not having your full attention

*Too much jargon being used by the seller

*No next steps or follow up

*No one getting back to them

Would you add anything else?

I’ve created a course to support Service based businesses with their Discovery Call.

I host it on a platform called Coursify here is the link

To access the course it’s just a one time $47 payment and you can access it as often you need to and it’s broken down into steps with 60 minutes content in total.


Perfecting Your Discovery Call