As part of Grow Her Business we share knowledge and help our Members learn new skills and build their business knowledge.

This week Judith Hamilton my business partner who is a Chartered Accountant shared with our Members the difference between being a Sole Trader and a Limited Company.

The session was hugely valuable to our Members because often the snippets and advice that is picked up from well intended people is not always accurate or we are comparing apples to pears because the business has a very different model and the advice isn’t relevant to us.

In this session Judith covered the benefits of both to help you decide which one is right for you based on your business model. It is about helping people make informed decisions for work for them.

Are you aware of the things that you can claim for and the things you can’t?

Knowledge is power in business and when we start out we don’t have all of the answers, we just need to know who to ask.

This is just one of the trainings sessions that is sitting in our Members dashboard for them to access at any point for as long as they are a member with us.

In June I am delivering a session on creating your 60 second pitch which when you get the formula that works can be adapted to all the services you offer.

If you’re reading this and you would like access to all of these trainings, support and some accountability then check out what we have to offer on